Part 1: School's in session
Update 1 - School's in session

As a note, the original Japanese subtitle is "Tenkousei Scramble," or "Transfer Student Scramble."
The music, which sounds a lot like a Genesis game (seriously, the soundtrack's bass is wack at times) was composed by Hitoshi Sakimoto, most famous for his work on Ogre Battle and Final Fantasy Tactics.
I found almost nothing about either J-Wing or Youentai on the web, so their lack of credentials which might be why this game never achieved any stunning popularity.

For this playthrough I will be using the boy character, but I will be showing off all of the girl-only content as well.

Onboard: a group of students due to transfer to Hourai High in April.

Pilot 2: Yeah... That was a pretty good nap!
Pilot 1: Still, I didn't expect we'd go right off-course like this just for having a little snooze...
Pilot 2: You really are a veteran pilot. Master of the skies! Still, I'm not surprised considering SOMEONE was up all night doing... you know what.
Pilot 1: Er... right. You can leave the compliments out now, OK?
Um, can I check your piloting licenses?

Pilot 1: I wouldn't be in a hurry to go to that weird Hourai High School or whatever if I were them. "Oh no! I'll be late for my first day! Everyone will only remember me as the kid who was late! Whaa! Whaa! Boo hoo!"
Pilot 2: ...

Here is our intrepid hero, battle-weathered by terrible airplane food, annoying passengers, and hours of boredom on a long flight.

While I'm sure this is a viable option, I'd really like to discuss this first-

Here's our first peek at the island. It looks normal enough, but, well...

Hourai High first came to this island filled with strange creatures roughly 70 years ago. It was soon followed by huge buildings, hospitals, towns, airports and even a train service. The students rule Hourai - they run the infrastructure, the clubs and the committees. Unsurprisingly, the place is like a magnet for oddball kids from all over the country.

Well, I suppose this is one way to make a first impression...


Teacher: Wh-what was that? Is it a UFO?! ...How dull.

Here comes our teacher now.

I'm a good kid, really! It wasn't totally my fault, you know.

It's time to name our protagonist! I need a name for our main man, as well as a name for his lovely female counterpart. We have a 5-letter limit.